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For The Love And Appreciation Of The Local Art Festival

Hey Neighbors! Summer is officially here and that means local art festivals will be hosted in our beautiful towns. I find that our local art festivals offer a vibrant celebration of creativity and culture within a community. As someone who is not “artsy” at all, I really do love all kinds of art. I could never create it, but I have a profound appreciation for those who can.

Supporting local talent

At the heart of every local art festival is a celebration of diversity and talent. Artists from various backgrounds and disciplines come together to showcase their creations, each piece telling a unique story and offering a glimpse into the artist's soul. From paintings, photography and sculptures to handcrafted jewelry and textiles, the range of artistic expression is as diverse as the community itself, ensuring there's something for everyone to admire and enjoy. I always look forward to the two days August when the Annual Mystic Outdoor Art Festival takes of over the Stonington side of the Mystic Drawbridge. This year it will be August 10th and 11th. Also, the Niantic Outdoor Arts & Crafts Festival at the town hall on Saturday July 6th starts at 10am. At the Cerulean Spa at Mystic Marriott Hotel, we have commissioned artwork from local artist Amy Nowak. Her pieces are available for sale at

Trying something new

I recently attended a beautiful bridal shower at the Old Lyme Inn that was a high tea theme. My dear friend Julie Garvin- Riggs, who is the manager of the Youth Art Education and Outreach Program at the Florence Griswold Museum and mother of the bride, created this beautiful table scape fit for royalty. After we nibbled on tea sandwiches and delicate scones, Julie announced we were going to participate in an art project. That’s when the panic set in for me. Again, I’m not artsy at all. There was a long table laid out with a large selection of dried flowers, water color paper, Mod Podge glue, tweezers, and little paint brushes. Our assignment was to place the flowers however we choose in any fashion onto the paper and placed in a frame at the end. Because I overthink everything, I decided to lay the greens down first and then place the flowers in such a fashion before actually gluing them. Once I had my layout started, and began the glue process, I felt myself start to relax and actually enjoy this little art class. Once in a while I would glance at my neighbor’s projects and noticed everyone had their own interpretation and not one was like the other. But isn’t that what art is all about? One’s process of creation that results in work, which can evoke a wide range of responses and interpretations from viewers? Of course it is and I had the best time making it. Julie runs the Art Colony Camp and the Wee Fairy Camp for kids in the summer months as well as all of the adult art programs at the museum. Do yourself a favor and take one of her classes.

Be well, spa often, wear your sunscreen,

Tracy XO 
